Web Cache Vulnerability Scanner (WCVS) is a fast and versatile CLI scanner for web cache poisoning developed by Hackmanit.
The scanner supports many different web cache poisoning techniques, includes a crawler to identify further URLs to test, and can adapt to a specific web cache for more efficient testing. It is highly customizable and can be easily integrated into existing CI/CD pipelines.
Option 1: Pre-built Binary (Recommended)
Prebuilt binaries of WCVS are provided on the releases page. These releases include 2 default wordlists, as well.
Option 2: Fetch Repository Using Go
The repository can be fetched using Go.
go1.17 and higher
go install -v github.com/Hackmanit/Web-Cache-Vulnerability-Scanner@latest
go1.16 and lower
go get -u https://github.com/Hackmanit/Web-Cache-Vulnerability-Scanner
Option 3: Docker
$ docker build .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 29.54MB
Step 1/10 : FROM golang:latest AS builder
—> 05c8f6d2538a
Step 2/10 : WORKDIR /go/src/app
—> Using cache
—> f591f24be8cf
Step 3/10 : COPY . .
—> 38b358dd3472
Step 4/10 : RUN go get -d -v ./…
—> Running in 41f53de436c5
Removing intermediate container 9e2e84d14ff3
—> 1668edcf6ee3
Successfully built 1668edcf6ee3
Run wcvs
$ docker run -it 1668edcf6ee3 /wcvs –help
version 1.0.0
WCVS is highly customizable using its flags. Many of the flags can either contain a value directly or the path to a file.
The only mandatory flag is -u/--url
to provide the target URL which should be tested for web cache poisoning. The target URL can be provided in different formats,
WCVS needs two wordlists in order to test for the first 5 techniques – one wordlist with header names and one with parameter names. The wordlists can either be present in the same directory WCVS is executed from or specified using the --headerwordlist/-hw
and --parameterwordlist/-pw
wcvs -u
wcvs -u
wcvs -u https://example.com
wcvs -u file:path/to/url_list
wcvs -u https://example.com -hw “file:/home/user/Documents/wordlist-header.txt”
wcvs -u https://example.com -pw “file:/home/user/Documents/wordlist-parameter.txt”
wcvs -u https://example.com -hw “file:/home/user/Documents/wordlist-header.txt” -pw “file:/home/user/Documents/wordlist-parameter.txt”
Specify Headers, Parameters, Cookies, and More
specifies cookies which shall be added to the request--setheaders/-sh
specifies headers which shall be added to the request--setparameters/-sp
specifies parameters which shall be added to the request. While it is also possible to simply add them to the URL, it might be more useful in some cases to add them via this flag.--post/-post
changes the HTTP method from GET to POST--setbody/-sb
specifies the body which shall be added to the request--contenttype/-ct
specifies the value of the Content-Type header--useragentchrome/-uac
changes the User-Agent from WebCacheVulnerabilityScanner v{Version-
to Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36
. While the same can be achieved with e.g. -sh "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) ...
, this flag provides a quicker way.wcvs -u https://example.com -sc “PHPSESSID=123”
wcvs -u https://example.com -sc “file:/home/user/Documents/cookies.txt”
wcvs -u https://example.com -sh “Referer: localhost”
wcvs -u https://example.com -sh “file:/home/user/Documents/headers.txt”
wcvs -u https://example.com -sp “admin=true”
wcvs -u https://example.com -sp “file:/home/user/Documents/parameters.txt”
wcvs -u https://example.com -post -sb “admin=true”
wcvs -u https://example.com -post -sb “file:/home/user/Documents/body.txt”
wcvs -u https://example.com -post -sb “{}” -ct “application/json”
wcvs -u https://example.com -uac
Generate a JSON Report
A JSON report is generated and updated after each scanned URL if the flag --generatereport/-gr
is set. The report is written, just like a log file, into the same directory WCVS is executed from. In order to change the directory for all output files use --generatepath/-gp
. If HTML special chars shall be encoded in the report, use --escapejson/-ej
wcvs -u https://example.com -gr
wcvs -u https://example.com -gr -ej
wcvs -u https://example.com -gr -gp /home/user/Documents
wcvs -u https://example.com -gr -gp /home/user/Documents -ej
Use a Proxy
To use a proxy, a CA certificate of the proxy in PEM format is needed. Burp Suite certificates are provided in DER format, for example. To convert them, the following command can be used: openssl x509 -inform DER -outform PEM -text -in cacert.der -out cacert.pem
. The path to the certificate can be specified with --proxycertpath/-ppath
. The default URL for the proxy is
. In order to change it, use --proxyurl/-purl
wcvs -u https://example.com -ppath /home/user/Documents/cacert.pem
wcvs -u https://example.com -ppath /home/user/Documents/cacert.pem -purl
Throttle or Accelerate
The number of maximum allowed requests per second can be set with --reqrate/-rr
. By default, this number is unrestricted. Contrary, the number of requests per second can be increased potentially, if --threads/-t
is used to increase the number of concurrent threads WCVS utilizes. The default value is 20.
wcvs -u https://example.com -rr 10
wcvs -u https://example.com -rr 1
wcvs -u https://example.com -rr 0.5
wcvs -u https://example.com -t 50
Further Flags
WCVS provides even more than the beforehand mentioned flags and options. --help/-h
provides a list of each flag, its meaning, and how to use it.
wcvs -h
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