Xerror is an automated penetration tool , which will help security professionals and non professionals to automate their pen testing tasks. Xerror will perform all tests and, at the end generate two reports for executives and analysts.
Xerror provides GUI easy to use menu driven options.Internally it supports openVas for vulnerability scanning, Metasploit for exploitation and gives GUI based options after successful exploitation e.g Meterpreter sessions. Building in python as major.
Xerror build on python2 as a primary language and Django2 as web framework along with, websockets(django channel) on celery server and Redis server to achieve asynchronization. On front side it supports Djanog default template engine language which is jinga2 and jquery.
How to use this project?
- Activate virtual environment by using following command( make sure you have pre-installed py virtual env)
- source env/bin/activate
- Start redis server
- service redis-server start
- start python srver
- cd xerror
- python manage.py runserver
- start celery server( run this in new terminal)
- cd xerror
- celery -A xerror worker -l info
- start msfrpc server for metasploit
- msfrpcd -P 123 -S -a
- start openvas server and set OMP server credientials to admin@admin 9392
- You are good to go
This is xerror Beta version, soon complete version will be uploaded with complete explanation and detail of each step.