In the world of cybersecurity, where things change quickly, it’s important to do thorough and fast penetration testing. Here comes FACTION, a cutting-edge Penetration Testing Report Generation and Collaboration Engine that is meant to make the whole assessment process easier. This powerful tool not only automatically creates pen test reports, but it also lets peers review them, keeps track of changes, and lets people work together in real time. FACTION is a complete solution for handling security assessments and increasing team productivity in the field of cybersecurity. It has templates that can be changed to fit your needs, large databases of vulnerabilities, and easy integrations.

FACTION is your entire assessment workflow in a box. With FACTION you can:

  1. Automate pen testing and security assessment Reports
  2. Peer review and track changes for reports
  3. Create customized DOCX templates for different assessment types and retests
  4. Real-time collaboration with assessors via the web app and Burp Suite Extensions
  5. Customizable vulnerability templates with over 75 prepopulated
  6. Easily manage assessment teams and track progress across your organization
  7. Track vulnerability remediation efforts with custom SLA warnings and alerts  
  8. Full Rest API to integrate with other tools                     

Other Features:           

  1. LDAP Integration       
  2. OAUTH2.0 Integration
  3. SMTP integration 
  4. Extendable with Custom Plugins similar to Burp Extender.
  5. Custom Report Variables

Want to see it in action? -> Faction Video Overview

Quick Setup

Run the following commands to build the war file and deploy it to the docker container.

git clone
cd faction
mvn clean compile war:war
docker-compose up --build

Once the containers are up you can navigate to to access your FACTION instance. On the first boot, it will ask you to create an admin account.

Import the Vulnerability Templates

  1. Navigate to Admin -> Default Vulnerabilities
  2. Click import VulnDB.

Customize reports

You can find out more information about creating your own custom report templates here: Custom Security Report Templates – Faction Security

Burp Suite Extension

Burp Suite Extensions

Manuals and Tutorials


Don’t want to host it yourself?

We can provide hosting for your instance. All instances are single tenants so you don’t have to worry about sharing infrastructure with untrusted parties. Navigate to to learn more.


Vulnerability Templates

Assessment Scheduling

Peer Review and Track Changes


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