In the always-changing world of cybersecurity, it’s important to be quick and careful. For Debian Linux users who are really into finding and studying security holes, the “All-in-One Bug Hunting Setup” is a revolutionary bash script. Setting up a full bug hunting environment is made easier by this innovative tool.

This makes it easy for both experienced experts and newbies to dive into the complicated world of cybersecurity. This script is a game-changer in the field of digital security because it can easily install and set up Go and other important tools. It gives users a powerful set of tools for finding bugs, ranging from subdomain scanning to network mapping. This makes it an essential tool for anyone who wants to explore and improve cyber defenses.

Welcome to the All-in-One Bug Hunting Setup! This bash script streamlines the process of setting up your Debian Linux machine for bug hunting endeavors.

Key Features

The standout feature of this script is its capability to install and set up Go on your machine if it’s not already installed.

How to Set Up

Setting up and using this script is a breeze. Follow these straightforward steps:

1. sudo git clone
2. cd All-in-One-Bug-Hunting-Setup/
3. chmod +x
4. bash or ./
5. **(The easiest one)** Enter your password and sit back.

Included Tools

This script equips your machine with a powerful set of bug hunting tools, including:

  1. Sublist3r – Subdomain Enumeration
  2. lazyrecon – A tool for the not-so-energetic hunter
  3. waybackurls – Fetch URLs from the Wayback Machine
  4. sqlmap – Database testing tool
  5. ffuf – Web fuzzing tool
  6. nuclei – Send requests based on templates
  7. amass – Map attack surfaces
  8. dirsearch – Directory search tool
  9. wpscan – WordPress testing tool
  10. nmap – Network mapping tool
  11. httprobe – Probe list of HTTP and HTTPS servers
  12. httpx – Run multiple HTTP probes
  13. gobuster – Content discovery tool
  14. gau – Get-All-URLs tool
  15. assetfinder – Find domains and subdomains
  16. dnscan – DNS scanning tool
  17. SecList – Extensive collection of wordlists for various purposes


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