Welcome to the Cybersecurity Toolkit, a collection of essential Python tools designed for penetration testing enthusiasts.

In this article, we delve into a range of powerful yet straightforward scripts crafted for educational purposes.

From port scanning to password sniffing and encryption, each tool offers insight into cybersecurity fundamentals and serves as a practical resource for learning the ropes of ethical hacking.

Join us as we explore these versatile utilities and their potential applications in securing digital environments.

Basic tools for penetration testing/hacking written in python. For educational purposes only. See disclaimer.

  • Simple Portscanner built with vanilla python. Uses the modules sockets and IPy to create portscanner class that can then return banners/vulnerable ports to user.
  • Single thread/Threaded SSH-Bruteforcers. Use paramiko, socket, and threading libraries to bruteforce target SSH using list of common SSH passwords
  • ARP Spoofer. Uses scapy mainly to gather MAC addresses of target machine/network router. This is the basis of ‘Man-in-the-Middle’ attacks (don’t do that)
    • Must be executed via terminal followed by router and target IPs
  • Password Sniffer
    • Used in conjunction with ARP Spoofer or a more sophisticated program like MITMf
  • Password Hash Cracker
    • MD5 and SHA1, but can be altered for preferred algo
  • Wireless Network Bruteforcer
  • KeyLogger
    • Functionality for key logging and grabbing target machine info
    • Data encryption/decryption engine and file cleanup
  • Email Scraper
    • Scrapes emails from user input http address


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