textract, one of manspider’s upstream dependencies, is no longer being updated. For this reason, you may run into problems when installing with pip. The recommended installation method is now Docker

docker run --rm -v ./manspider:/root/.manspider blacklanternsecurity/manspider --help

Note there is also a helper script manspider.sh which will automatically mount volumes for manspider’s loot and logs directories, making it a bit more convenient to run:

./manspider.sh --help

File Types Supported:

  • PDF
  • DOCX
  • XLSX
  • PPTX
  • any text-based format
  • and many more!!


(Optional) Install these dependencies to add additional file parsing capability:

# for images (png, jpeg)
$ sudo apt install tesseract-ocr

# for legacy document support (.doc)
$ sudo apt install antiword

Install manspider (please be patient, this can take a while):

csc -optimize loader.cs

Example #1: Search the network for filenames that may contain creds

NOTE: matching files are automatically downloaded into $HOME/.manspider/loot! (-n to disable)

$ manspider -f passw user admin account network login logon cred -d evilcorp -u bob -p Passw0rd

For more information click here.


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