Bailo helps you manage the lifecycle of machine learning to support scalability, impact, collaboration, compliance and sharing.

Built With

  • Next.js
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Seldon

Getting Started


  • Node v18
  • Docker / Docker Compose


To run in standalone mode, not development mode. Not for production use:

docker build -t "bailo:standalone" -f ./Dockerfile.standalone .
docker run --name bailo -p 8080:8080 -d bailo:standalone

To run in development mode (modified files on your host machine will be reloaded into the running application):

git clone && cd Bailo
npm install
npm run certs

# This builds all the Bailo images, rerun it when you update dependencies.
docker compose build --parallel

# Then run the development instance of Bailo.
docker compose up -d

On first run, it may take a while (up to 30 seconds) to start up. It needs to build several hundred TypeScript modules.

These are cached however, so future starts only require a few seconds. You should access the site via localhost:8080.

The registry requires a JWKS file for the token authentication with the backend application.

For development, a JWKS file is generated by running npm run certs.

For production, the script generateJWKS.ts can be used to generate a JWKS file for the public key referenced in the backend application configuration.


Some example schemas are installed by default. More schemas can be added by altering and running the addDeploymentSchema.ts and addUploadSchema.ts files.

npm run script -- addDeploymentSchema
npm run script -- addUploadSchema


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