HostHunter : To Discover Hostnames Using OSINT

HostHunter is a recon tool for discovering hostnames using OSINT techniques.

HostHunter v1.5 is a tool to efficiently discover and extract hostnames over a large set of target IP addresses. It utilises simple OSINT techniques. It generates a CSV file containing the results of the reconnaissance.

Taking screenshots was also added as a beta functionality.


Currently GitLab’s markup language does not support HTML or CSS control over the images, thus the following link thumbnail is huge.

Also Read : KDE Applications 19.04 Release


Tested with Python 3.7.2.


Use wget command to download a latest Google Chrome debian package.

$ wget

$ dpkg -i ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

$ sudo apt-get install -f

Install python dependencies.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Simple Usage Example :

$ python3 <targets.txt>

$ cat vhosts.csv

More Examples

HostHunter Help Page

$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [-V] [-f FORMAT] [-o OUTPUT] [-b] [-sc] targets
|<— HostHunter v1.5 – Help Page —>|
positional arguments:
targets Sets the path of the target IPs file.
optional arguments:
-h, –help show this help message and exit
-V, –version Displays the currenct version.
-f FORMAT, –format FORMAT
Choose between CSV and TXT output file formats.
-o OUTPUT, –output OUTPUT
Sets the path of the output file.
-b, –bing Use search engine to discover more hostnames
associated with the target IP addreses.
-sc, –screen-capture
Capture a screen shot of any associated Web

Run HostHunter with Bing and Screen Captures modules enabled

$ python3 –bing -sc -f csv -o hosts.csv

Display Results

$ cat hosts.csv

View Screenshots

$ open ./screen_captures/


  • Works with Python3
  • Scraps results
  • Supports .txt and .csv output file formats
  • Validates target IPv4 addresses
  • Takes Screenshots of the targets
  • Extracts hostnames from SSL certificates
  • Utilises Hacker Target API

Credits: Andreas Georgiou