Burp-Exporter is a Burp Suite extension to copy a request to the clipboard as multiple programming languages functions.

  • You can export as:
    • cURL
    • Wget
    • Python Request
    • Perl LWP
    • PHP HTTP_Request2
    • Go Native
    • NodeJS Request
    • jQuery AJAX
    • PowerShell

Also Read – Ps-Tools : An Advanced Process Monitoring Toolkit For Offensive Operations


Jython >= 2.7.1

Burp Suite import

In Burp Suite, under the Extender/Extensions tab, click on the Add button, select Extension type Python and load the Exporter py file.

  • You can copy the request from:
    • Proxy > Intercept
    • Proxy > HTTP history
    • Target > Site map
    • Repeater
  • Right click > Exporter to > …

Possible Improvements

More snippets