We delve into CVE-2024-38077, a critical security vulnerability identified in Windows Server 2025. This flaw, if exploited, could allow unauthorized users to execute malicious code remotely.

We present a comprehensive exploration of both the exploit (CVE-2024-38077-EXP) and the proof of concept (CVE-2024-38077-POC), providing in-depth technical insights into the vulnerability’s impact and exploitation techniques.

Developed by security researchers qi4L and zhiniangpeng, these tools demonstrate the potential risks and underscore the importance of timely patches.

Our coverage includes practical guidance on testing systems for susceptibility to this vulnerability, ensuring IT professionals and system administrators can safeguard their environments effectively.


有效范围:仅 Windows Server 2025


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --target_ip TARGET_IP
                        Target IP, eg:
  --evil_ip EVIL_IP     Evil IP, eg:
  --evil_dll_path EVIL_DLL_PATH
                        Evil dll path, eg: \smb\evil_dll.dll
  --check_vuln_exist CHECK_VULN_EXIST
                        Check vulnerability exist before exploit


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