DirSearch software is a Go implementation of the original dirsearch tool written by Mauro Soria. DirSearch is the very first tool I write in Go, mostly to play and experiment with Go’s concurrency model, channels, and so forth.


DirSearch takes an input URL ( -url parameter ) and a wordlist ( -wordlist parameter ), it will then perform concurrent HEAD requests using the lines of the wordlist as paths and files eventually brute forcing folders and files on a web server.

It supports a custom file extension ( -ext, default to php ) and other optional arguments:

Usage of dirsearch:
If enabled, will only display responses with 200 status code.
-consumers int
Number of concurrent consumers. (default 8)
-ext string
File extension. (default “php”)
-maxerrors int
Maximum number of errors to get before killing the program. (default 20)
-url string
Base URL to start enumeration from.
-wordlist string
Wordlist file to use for enumeration. (default “dict.txt”)


go get github.com/evilsocket/dirsearch
cd dirsearch
make get_glide
make install_dependencies
make build


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