Egress Assess : Tool Used to Test Egress Data Detection Capabilities

Egress Assess is a tool used to test egress data detection capabilities. To setup, run the included setup script, or perform the following:

  • Install pyftpdlib
  • Generate a server certificate and store it as “server.pem” on the same level as Egress-Assess. This can be done with the following command:

openssl req -new -x509 -keyout server.pem -out server.pem -days 365 -nodes

Also Read : Kaboom : Script That Automates The Penetration Test


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Typical use case for Egress-Assess is to copy this tool in two locations. One location will act as the server, the other will act as the client. Egress-Assess can send data over FTP, HTTP, and HTTPS.

To extract data over FTP, you would first start Egress-Assess’s FTP server by selecting “–server ftp” and providing a username and password to use:

./ –server ftp –username testuser –password pass123

Now, to have the client connect and send data to the ftp server, you could run…

./ –client ftp –username testuser –password pass123 –ip –datatype ssn

Also, you can setup Egress-Assess to act as a web server by running….

./ –server https

Then, to send data to the FTP server, and to specifically send 15 megs of credit card data, run the following command…

./ –client https –data-size 15 –ip –datatype cc