This is the repository for the Introduction to Fuzzing Lab run by ACM Cyber at UCLA. Click on one of the links below to get started!

Week 2Intro to FuzzingSlidesUsing Honggfuzz
Week 3Fuzzing LibrariesSlidesFuzzing Libraries
Week 4Writing HarnessesSlidesWriting Harnesses
Week 5Coverage AnalysisSlidesWriting Harnesses
Week 6Structure-Aware FuzzingSlidesWork on Project
Week 7Project WorkSlidesWork on Project
Week 8Wrapping UpSlidesWork on Project
Week 9Break for Thanksgiving
Week 10Present at Symposium

Interested to see what previous groups worked on? Check out our blog post.


As part of Fuzzing Lab, you will get to participate in a quarter-long project where you will use the skills that you’ve learned to fuzz a new target of your choice. For more information about the project, check out the project description.


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