httpgrep : Scans HTTP Servers To Find Given Strings In URIs

httpgrep is a python tool which scans for HTTP servers and finds given strings in HTTP body and HTTP response headers.

$ httpgrep -H
–== [ by ] ==–


httpgrep -h -s [opts] |


h < hosts|file> – single host or host-range/cidr-range or file containing
hosts, e.g.:,,, /tmp/hosts.txt
-p<port> – port to connect to (default: 80)
-t – use TLS/SSL to connect to service
-u<URI> – URI to search given strings in, e.g.: /foobar/, /foo.html
(default /)
-s <string|file>- a single string or multile strings in a file to find in
given URIs and HTTP response headers, e.g.: ‘tomcat 8’,
-S<where> – search strings in given places (default: headers,body)
-b<bytes> – num bytes to read from response. offset == response[0].
(default: 64)
-x<threads> – num threads for concurrent checks (default: 80)
c<seconds> – num seconds for socket timeout (default: 2.0)
i – use case-insensitive search
-r – perform reverse dns lookup for given IPv4 addresses
-l <file> – log urls and found strings to file
-v – verbose mode (default: quiet)


-H – print help
-V – print version information

Also Read – PEASS – Privilege Escalation Awesome Scripts SUITE


  • quick’n’dirty code
  • httpgrep is already packaged and available for BlackArch Linux
  • My master-branches are always stable; dev-branches are created for current work.
  • All of my public stuff you find are officially announced and published via


We hereby emphasize, that the hacking related stuff found on are only for education purposes. We are not responsible for any damages. You are responsible for your own actions.

Credit: noptrix