Joomla Vulnerability Component Scanner – JCS

JCS (Joomla Component Scanner) made for penetration testing reason on Joomla CMS JCS can help you with the most recent component vulnerabilities and endeavors. The database can refresh from a few resources and a Crawler has been actualized to discover components and components’ connection.

This version backings Exploitdb and Packetstorm vulnerabilities to make a database for Joomla components JCS can likewise make a Report in HTML for you.

Joomla Component Scanner

Joomla Component Scanner Features:

  • Multi-Thread
  • Delay between requests
  • Custom Http Headers
  • Supports Http-Proxy
  • Supports Http Authentication:
    1. BASIC
    2. DIGEST
  • Component crawler base by Regex-Pattern
  • Component’s Page Identification By:
    1. Page Comparison
    2. Regex Pattern
    3. Searching in HTML tags example: <title>not found</title>
    4. Checking Http Status Code

Report Sample:

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