Findwall : Check If Your Provider Is Blocking You
FindWall is Python script that allows to understand if your network provider is limiting your access to the Internet by blocking any TCP/UDP port. In order to perform this check FindWall needs to connect a public VPS of your property. FindWall performs the following actions: Connects to the VPS via SSHOpens a port in listening modeTries to connect to that...
Frelatage : The Python Fuzzer That The World Deserves
Frelatage is a coverage-based Python fuzzing library which can be used to fuzz python code. The development of Frelatage was inspired by various other fuzzers, including AFL/AFL++, Atheris and PythonFuzz. The main purpose of the project is to take advantage of the best features of these fuzzers and gather them together into a new tool in order to efficiently fuzz python applications. Requirements Python 3 Installation Install...
Fb_Friend_List_Scraper : OSINT Tool To Scrape Names And Usernames From Large Friend Lists
Fb_Friend_List_Scraper is a OSINT tool to scrape names and usernames from large friend lists on Facebook, without being rate limited. Getting started Install using pip: python -m pip install fb-friend-list-scraperScript is now installed as fbfriendlistscraperRun with -h or --help to show usage information. Usage usage: fbfriendlistscraper -e EMAIL -u USERNAME Tool to scrape names and usernames from large friend lists on...
Zphisher-GUI-Back_office : A Zphisher GUI Back-Office Plugin
Zphisher-GUI-Back_office is a plugin where you can see in real time the victims of your phishing campaign, you just have to change the Zphisher files for these. Easy! This tool creates a graphical back office for the zphish tool (although it is not 100% necessary to use this tool, you can use these files by hosting it on a...
Tetanus : Mythic C2 Agent Targeting Linux And Windows Hosts Written In Rust
Tetanus is a Windows and Linux C2 agent written in rust. Installation To install Tetanus, you will need Mythic set up on a machine. In the Mythic root directory, use mythic-cli to install the agent. sudo ./mythic-cli install github ./mythic-cli payload start tetanus Tetanus supports the http C2 profile: sudo ./mythic-cli install github ./mythic-cli c2 start http Features Background job managementBuilt-in ssh clientConnect to a machine and download/upload files...
Octopus : Open Source Pre-Operation C2 Server Based On Python And Powershell
Octopus is an open source, pre-operation C2 server based on python which can control an Octopus powershell agent through HTTP/S. The main purpose of creating Octopus is for use before any red team operation, where rather than starting the engagement with your full operational arsenal and infrastructure, you can use Octopus first to attack the target and gather information before...
Xepor : Web Routing Framework For Reverse Engineers And Security Researchers
Xepor (pronounced /ˈzɛfə/, zephyr), a web routing framework for reverse engineers and security researchers. It provides a Flask-like API for hackers to intercept and modify HTTP request and/or HTTP response in a human-friendly coding style. This project is meant to be used with mitmproxy. User write scripts with xepor, and run the script inside mitmproxy with mitmproxy -s If you want to step from PoC to production,...
C2concealer : Command Line Tool That Generates Randomized C2 Malleable Profiles For Use In Cobalt Strike
C2concealer is a command line tool that generates randomized C2 malleable profiles for use in Cobalt Strike. Installation chmod u+x Building Docker Image docker build -t C2concealer . Running with Docker docker container run -it -v <cobalt_strike_location>:/usr/share/cobaltstrike/ C2concealer --hostname --variant 3 Example Usage Usage:$ C2concealer --hostname --variant 3Flags:(optional)--hostnameThe hostname used in HTTP client and server side settings. Default is None.--variantAn integer defining the number...
PowerProxy : PowerShell SOCKS Proxy With Reverse Proxy Capabilities
PowerProxy is a PowerShell SOCKS proxy with reverse proxy capabilities. PowerProxy is written with penetration testers in mind. Reverse proxy functionality is a priority, for traversing networks that block inbound connections. Reverse proxy connections are encrypted by default. Username/Password authentication is supported for Socks 5 connections. Setup Import the script: iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring("")ORImport-Module can create temporary SSL certs, which requires OpenSSL. If OpenSSL...
Cyph : Cryptographically Secure Messaging And Social Networking Service
Cyph is a cryptographically secure messaging and social networking service, providing an extreme level of privacy combined with best-in-class ease of use. Cyph’s patented technology — built by former SpaceX engineers, audited by Cure53, and the basis of research presentations at Black Hat and DEF CON — uniquely allows Cyph to solve the major security and usability limitations of conventional solutions. Commands available...