PSRansom : PowerShell Ransomware Simulator With C2 Server


PSRansom is a PowerShell Ransomware Simulator with C2 Server capabilities. This tool helps you simulate encryption process of a generic ransomware in any system on any system with PowerShell installed on it. Thanks to the integrated C2 server, you can exfiltrate files and receive client information via HTTP. All communication between the two elements is encrypted or encoded so as to...

S3Sec : Check AWS S3 Instances For Read/Write/Delete Access


S3Sec tool was developed to quickly test a list of s3 buckets for public read, write and delete access for the purposes of penetration testing on bug bounty programs. Installation Clone the git repo onto your machine: git clone Usage Check a single S3 instance: echo "" | python3 Or: echo "test-instance" | python3 Check a list of S3 instances: cat locations | python3 Setup AWS...

Nuclei-Burp-Plugin : Nuclei Plugin For BurpSuite


Nuclei-Burp-Plugin is a BurpSuite plugin intended to help with nuclei template generation. Features Template matcher generation Word and Binary matcher creation using selected response snippets from Proxy history or Repeater contextsMulti-line selections are split to separate words for readabilityBinary matchers are created for selections containing non-ASCII charactersThe part field is auto-set based on whether the selection was in the request header or bodyEvery generated template auto-includes a Status matcher, using the HTTP status code of the response Request template...

Ghostbuster : Eliminate Dangling Elastic IPs By Performing Analysis On Your Resources


Ghostbuster obtains all the DNS records present in all of your AWS accounts (Route53), and can optionally take in records via CSV input, or via Cloudflare. After these records are collected, Ghostbuster iterates through all of your AWS Elastic IPs and Network Interface Public IPs and collects this data. By having a complete picture of the DNS records (from route53, file...

Kali Linux – The Best Tool For Penetration Testing?


The penetration tool known as Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution that was created with security testing and auditing in mind. It is one of the most popular security distributions in the world, and it includes dozens of tools that allow you to perform all sorts of attacks against your targets. In this blog post, we will discuss...

Epagneul : Graph Visualization For Windows Event Logs


Epagneul is a tool to visualize and investigate windows event logs. Deployment Requires docker and docker-compose to be installed. Installing make Offline deployment On a machine connected to internet, build an offline release: make release This will create a release folder containing ready to go docker images. Copy the project to your air gapped machine then run: make loadmake This will install: epagneul web UI (port 8080)epagneul backend (port 8000)neo4j (port 7474) Download

S1EM : This Project Is A SIEM With SIRP And Threat Intel, All In One


S1EM solution is based on the principle of bringing together the best products in their field, free of charge, and making them quickly interoperable. S1EM is a SIEM with SIRP and Threat Intel, a full packet capture, all in one. Inside the solution: Cluster ElasticsearchKibanaFilebeatLogstashMetricbeatHeartbeatAuditbeatN8nSpiderfootSyslog-ngElastalertTheHiveCortexMISPOpenCTIArkimeSuricataZeekStoQMwdbTraefikClamavCodimdWatchtowerHomer Note: Cortex v3.1 use ELK connector and the OpenCTI v4 connector Installation Guide Prerequisites Solution works with Linux, docker, and docker-compose.For...

How To Improve The Cyber Security Of A Law Firm


It is not surprising to see that cyber criminals often attack law firms. This is due to the client information available for them. So much intellectual property, proprietary data, and confidential data means hackers could use it for countless reasons. Take into account the fact that around 30% of law firms experience cyber attacks. And this number is constantly growing....

Dangers of an Electric Scooter Hack


When it comes to hacking it is very much open field in terms of devices which depend on electronic connectivity. Something which has been raised recently as a great concern, is the possibility of an electric scooter being hacked during use. We have already seen a number of accents involving these scooters and a Washington DC scooter accident attorney...

Mip22 : An Advanced Phishing Tool


Mip22 program is made for educational purposes only for to see how the phishing method works. Any unnecessary use of the program is prohibited and the manufacturer has no responsibility for any illegal use by anyone. Use the tool at your own risk and avoid any sloppy actions. Installation Instructions Installation on Gnu / Linux OS. On terminal sudo su git clone git:// chmod -R...