Dangers of an Electric Scooter Hack
When it comes to hacking it is very much open field in terms of devices which depend on electronic connectivity. Something which has been raised recently as a great concern, is the possibility of an electric scooter being hacked during use. We have already seen a number of accents involving these scooters and a Washington DC scooter accident attorney...
Mip22 : An Advanced Phishing Tool
Mip22 program is made for educational purposes only for to see how the phishing method works. Any unnecessary use of the program is prohibited and the manufacturer has no responsibility for any illegal use by anyone. Use the tool at your own risk and avoid any sloppy actions. Installation Instructions Installation on Gnu / Linux OS. On terminal sudo su git clone git://github.com/makdosx/mip22.git chmod -R...
PurplePanda : Identify Privilege Escalation Paths Within And Across Different Clouds
PurplePanda is a tool that fetches resources from different cloud/saas applications focusing on permissions in order to identify privilege escalation paths and dangerous permissions in the cloud/saas configurations. Note that PurplePanda searches both privileges escalation paths within a platform and across platforms. The name comes from the animal Red Panda. This panda eats peas, just like Purple Panda, which can ingest API keys/tokens found...
RefleXXion : A Utility Designed To Aid In Bypassing User-Mode Hooks Utilised By AV/EPP/EDR Etc
RefleXXion is a utility designed to aid in bypassing user-mode hooks utilised by AV/EPP/EDR etc. In order to bypass the user-mode hooks, it first collects the syscall numbers of the NtOpenFile, NtCreateSection, NtOpenSection and NtMapViewOfSection found in the LdrpThunkSignature array. After that, there are two techniques that the user can choose to bypass the user-mode hooks. Technique-1, reads the NTDLL...
WMEye : A Post Exploitation Tool That Uses WMI Event Filter And MSBuild Execution For Lateral Movement
WMEye is an experimental tool that was developed when exploring about Windows WMI. The tool is developed for performing Lateral Movement using WMI and remote MSBuild Execution. It uploads the encoded/encrypted shellcode into remote targets WMI Class Property, create an event filter that when triggered writes an MSBuild based Payload using a special WMI Class called Log File Event...
Lnkbomb : Malicious Shortcut Generator For Collecting NTLM Hashes From Insecure File Shares
Lnkbomb is used for uploading malicious shortcut files to insecure file shares. The vulnerability exists due to Windows looking for an icon file to associate with the shortcut file. This icon file can be directed to a penetration tester's machine running Responder or smb server to gather NTLMv1 or NTLMv2 hashes (depending on configuration of the victim host machine)....
Patching : An Interactive Binary Patching Plugin For IDA Pro
Patching assembly code to change the behavior of an existing program is not uncommon in malware analysis, software reverse engineering, and broader domains of security research. This project extends the popular IDA Pro disassembler to create a more robust interactive binary patching workflow designed for rapid iteration. This project is currently powered by a minor fork of the ubiquitous Keystone Engine, supporting x86/x64 and Arm/Arm64...
Code Analysis : Static Code Analysis
Tencent Cloud Code Analysis (TCA for short, code-named CodeDog inside the company early) is a comprehensive platform for code analysis and issue tracking. TCA consist of three components, server, web and client. It integrates of a number of self-developed tools, and also supports dynamic integration of code analysis tools in various programming languages. Code analysis is a technology, using lexical...
GoodHound : Uses Sharphound, Bloodhound And Neo4j To Produce An Actionable List Of Attack Paths
GoodHound came about because I had a need to perform a repeatable assessment of attack paths using Bloodhound.I found that when used in a defensive way BloodHound was so good at identifying attack paths in a domain I was faced with several thousand to process with each review, with no way to deduplicate the findings I had already logged...
Domain Alerting : Daily Alert When A New Domain Name Is Registered And Contains Your Keywords
Domain Alerting is a daily alert when a new domain name is registered and contains your keywords. Domain Alerting tool allows you to perform two main actions (for educational purposes only): Download newly registered domains Send automatic email alert Prerequisite apt install mailutilspip3 install -r requirements.txt Configuration Inside the file "launcher.sh", complete: Your keywords (#Keywords to complete)Your receiver (#Email to complete) Then, create a daily crontab job: crontab -e...