Bing-IP2Hosts : A Web Scraper That Discovers Websites By IP Address


Bing-ip2hosts is a web scraper that discovers hostnames by IP address. Bing is the flagship Microsoft search engine formerly known as MSN Search and Live Search. It provides a feature unique to search engines - it allows searching by IP address. Bing-ip2hosts uses this feature. It can be used to discover subdomains and other related domains. It also helps to...

Vault : Tool For Secrets Management, Encryption As A Service & Privileged Access Management


Vault is a tool for securely accessing secrets. A secret is anything that you want to tightly control access to, such as API keys, passwords, certificates, and more. Vault provides a unified interface to any secret, while providing tight access control and recording a detailed audit log. A modern system requires access to a multitude of secrets: database credentials, API...

Fantastic Storage Solutions for Tech Companies


Running a tech company can leave you with a lot of clutter. Trailing wires, old devices, paperwork, and filing cabinets might pile up to unmanageable levels, resulting in you needing some innovative storage solutions. Moving physical documents online, investing in modern storage,and decluttering workspaces are all fantastic ways of achieving a cleaner, more productive workplace. Move what you can onto...

ADCollector : Tool To Quickly Extract Valuable Information From Active Directory


ADCollector is a lightweight tool that enumerates the Active Directory environment to identify possible attack vectors. It will give you a basic understanding of the configuration/deployment of the environment as a starting point. Notes: It is not an alternative to the powerful PowerView, it just automates enumeration to quickly identify juicy information without thinking too much at the early Recon stage....

Purify : All-In-One Tool For Managing Vulnerability Reports


The goal of Purify to be an easy-in-use and efficient tool to simplify a workflow of managing vulnerabilities delivered from various tools. Purify is designed to analyze the report of any tool, if the report is in JSON or XML format. This means you don't need any special plug-ins to process reports from your selection of tools. Purify is able to...

ANDRAX : NH-Killer Penetration Testing On Android


ANDRAX is a Penetration Testing platform developed specifically for Android smartphones, it has the ability to run natively on Android so it behaves like a common Linux distribution, But more powerful than a common distribution! The development of the tool began on 08/09/2016 (DD/MM/YYYY) only for people in Brazil ANDRAX has been fully redefined and reloaded on 05/10/2018 (DD/MM/YYYY) open to the international public.It...

DroidFiles : Get Files From Android Directories


DroidFiles is a tool used to get files from Android directories, internal and external storage (Pictures, Downloads, Whatsapp, Videos, …) Requirements Android Studio ( Also Read - Locator : Geolocator, IP Tracker, Device Info by URL (Serveo & Ngrok) Usage # git clone cd droidfiles# bash Download

Memory Mapper : Map Both Native & Managed Assemblies Into Memory


Memory Mapper is a lightweight library which allows the ability to map both native and managed assemblies into memory by either using process injection of a process specified by the user or self-injection; the technique of injecting an assembly into the currently running process attempting to do the injection. The library comes with tools not only to map assemblies,...

RepoPeek : A Python Script To Get Details About A Repository Without Cloning


RepoPeek is a Python script to get details about a repository without cloning it. All the information are retrieved using the GitHub API. Note: API requests made by this module aren't using basic authentication or OAuth. Therefore the rate limit allows for up to 60 requests per hour. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating IP address. Information Provided Basic information about...

Pivotnacci : A Tool To Make Socks Connections Through HTTP Agents


Pivot into the internal network by deploying HTTP agents. Pivotnacci allows you to create a socks server which communicates with HTTP agents. The architecture looks like the following: This tool was inspired by the great reGeorg. However, it includes some improvements: Support for balanced serversCustomizable polling interval, useful to reduce detection ratesAuto drop connections closed by a serverModular and cleaner codeInstallation...