S3Reverse : Format Of Various S3 Buckets


S3Reverse is a format of various s3 buckets is convert in one format. for bugbounty and security testing. Install $ go get -u github.com/hahwul/s3reverse Usage Input options Basic Usage Usage of ./s3reverse:-iL stringInput List-oA stringWrite output in Array format (optional)-oN stringWrite output in Normal format (optional)-tNto name-tPto path-style-tSto s3 url-tVto virtual-hosted-style-verifytesting bucket(acl,takeover) Using from file $ s3reverse -iL sample -tNudemy-web-upload-transitionalgithub-cloudgithub-production-repository-file-5c1aebgithub-production-upload-manifest-file-7fdce7github-production-user-asset-6210dfgithub-education-webgithub-jobss3-us-west-2.amazonaws.comoptimizelyapp-usa-modeast-prod-a01239fdocswipely-merchant-assetsadslfjasldfkjasldkfjalsdfkajsljasldfcbphotovideocbphotovideo-eupublic.chaturbate.comwowdvrcbvideouploadtestbuckettesttest Using from pipeline $ cat sample | s3reverse...

Pwned : Simple CLI Script To Check If You Have A Password


Pwned is a simple command-line python script to check if you have a password that has been compromised in a data breach. This script uses haveibeenpwned API to check whether your passwords were leaked during one of the many breaches of online services. This API uses k-Anonymity model that allows a password to be searched for by partial hash in...

Project iKy v2.5.0 – Tool That Collects Information From An Email


Project iKy is a tool that collects information from an email and shows results in a nice visual interface. Installation Clone repository git clone https://gitlab.com/kennbroorg/iKy.git Install BackendRedisYou must install Redis wget http://download.redis.io/redis-stable.tar.gztar xvzf redis-stable.tar.gzcd redis-stablemakesudo make install Python stuff and CeleryYou must install the libraries inside requirements.txt python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt Install FrontendNode First of all, install nodejs. Dependencies Inside the directory frontend install the dependencies cd frontendnpm install Wake...

Should-I-Trust : OSINT Tool To Evaluate Trustworthiness Of A Company


Should-I-Trust is a tool to evaluate OSINT signals for a domain. You're part of a review board that's responsible for evaluating new vendors. You're specifically responsible for ensuring new vendors meet compliance and security requirements. Standard operation procedure is to ask for one or all of the following: SOC report, VSAQ, CAIQ, SIG/SIG-Lite. All vendors will not have these reports...

5 Simple Ways to Hack Gmail Accounts 2020

SGXRay : Automating Vulnerability Detection for SGX Apps

Gmail is one of the highly secured email platforms and the Gmail hack is not an easy process until and unless you having any of these 5 spy tools. A person’s Gmail account can hold a lot of crucial information. It can tell you all about the person’s recent activities and much more. Moreover, most of the online accounts...

Wotop : Web On Top Of Any Protocol


WOTOP is a tool meant to tunnel any sort of traffic over a standard HTTP channel. Useful for scenarios where there's a proxy filtering all traffic except standard HTTP(S) traffic. Unlike other tools which either require you to be behind a proxy which let's you pass arbitrary traffic (possibly after an initial CONNECT request), or tools which work only...

Firebase-Extractor : A Tool For Scraping Firebase Data


Firebase-Extrator is a tool written in python2, the purpose of this tool is to parse all the results from Bing search.Basically whenever a firebaseio URL is found for an app , User instead of searching for sensitive data by going manually through the search results can use this tool. This tool works by using the given Firebase URL as a...

Lulzbuster : A Very Fast & Smart Web Directory


Lulzbuster is a very fast and smart web directory and file enumeration tool written in C. Usage $ lulzbuster -HUsagelulzbuster -s |Target Options-s - start url to begin scan withHttp Options-h - http request type (default: GET) - ? to list types-x - exclude http status codes (default: 400,404,500,501,502,503multi codes separated by ',')-f - follow http redirects. hint: better try...

Impulse : Denial-of-service ToolKit


Impulse Denial-of-service ToolKit. Main Window Methods MethodTargetDescriptionSMS+PHONESMS & CALL FLOODNTPIP:PORTNTP amplification is a type of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack in which the attacker exploits publically-accessible Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers to overwhelm the targeted with User Datagram Protocol (UDP) traffic.SYNIP:PORTA SYN flood (half-open attack) is a type of denial-of-service (DDoS) attack which aims to make a server unavailable to legitimate...

NullScan : A Modular Framework Designed To Chain & Automate Security Tests


NullScan is a modular framework designed to chain and automate security tests. It parses target definitions from the command line and runs corresponding modules and their nullscan-tools afterwards. It can also take hosts and start nmap first in order to perform a basic portscan and run the modules afterwards. Also, nullscan can parse a given nmap logfile for open...