PF_RING : High-Speed Packet Processing Framework


PF_RING is a Linux kernel module and user-space framework that allows you to process packets at high-rates while providing you a consistent API for packet processing applications. Basically everyone who has to handle many packets per second. The term ‘many’ changes according to the hardware you use for traffic analysis. It can range from 80k pkt/sec on a...

CIRTKit : Tools for the Computer Incident Response Team


CIRTKit is a tools for the computer incident response team. One DFIR console to rule them all. Built on top of the Viper Framework. Installation Database Setup lib/core/ It requires a database to store malware artifacts and investigation data. Currently, it is equipped to use SQLite and Postgres SQL databases. If you need to have multiple analysts collaborate on investigations, then you need...

Modlishka : A Flexible And Powerful Reverse Proxy Tool


Modlishka is a flexible and powerful reverse proxy, that will take your ethical phishing campaigns to the next level. It was realeased with an aim to: Help penetration testers to carry out an effective phishing campaign and reinforce the fact that serious threat can arise from phishing.Show current 2FA weaknesses, so adequate security solutions can be created and implemented soon.Raise...

Windows 95 : Windows 95 in Electron That Runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows


This is Windows 95, running in an Electron app, which runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows. Bear in mind that this is written entirely in JavaScript, so please adjust your expectations. Before you can run this from source, you'll need the disk image. It's not part of the repository, but you can grab it using the Show Disk Image button...

Fwknop : Single Packet Authorization Port Knocking


Fwknop implements an authorization scheme known as Single Packet Authorization (SPA) for strong service concealment. SPA requires only a single packet which is encrypted, non-replayable, and authenticated via an HMAC in order to communicate desired access to a service that is hidden behind a firewall in a default-drop filtering stance. The main application of SPA is to use a...

GoScan : Interactive Network Scanner 2019


GoScan is an interactive network scanner client, featuring auto-completion, which provides abstraction and automation over nmap. GoScan can now be used to perform host discovery, port scanning, and service enumeration not only in situations where being stealthy is not a priority and time is limited (think at CTFs, OSCP, exams, etc.), but also (with a few tweaks...

nDPI : Open Source Deep Packet Inspection Software Toolkit


nDPI is an open source LGPLv3 library for deep-packet inspection. Based on OpenDPI it includes ntop extensions. We have tried to push them into the OpenDPI source tree but nobody answered emails so we have decided to create our own source tree. Also Read :Bincat : Binary Code Static Analyser With IDA Integration How To Compile nDPI In order...

Bscan : An Asynchronous Target Enumeration Tool


Bscan is a command-line utility to perform active information gathering and service enumeration. At its core, bscan asynchronously spawns processes of well-known scanning utilities, repurposing scan results into highlighted console output and a well-defined directory structure. Also Read : Bincat : Binary Code Static Analyser With IDA Integration Installation It was written to be run on Kali Linux, ...

Dfirtrack : The Incident Response Tracking Application


DFIRTrack (Digital Forensics and Incident Response Tracking application) is an open source web application mainly based on Django using a PostgreSQL database backend. In contrast to other great incident response tools, which are mainly case-based and support the work of CERTs, SOCs etc. in their daily business, DFIRTrack is focused on handling one major incident with a lot of affected systems as it is...

Security Analysis Toolkit For Car Protocols – CANalyzat0r


CANalyzat0r is a Python software project built from scratch with new ideas for analysis mechanisms. Why CANalyzat0r? Need for Strive for smart cars were a fast-growing amount of components are interconnected within a single car unit resulted in specialized proprietary car protocols. However, often no or insufficient authentication and encryption or other security mechanisms can be found in today’s...