Vulnx : An Intelligent Bot Auto Shell Injector That Detect Vulnerabilities In Multiple Types Of CMS


Vulnx is An Intelligent Bot Auto Shell Injector that detect vulnerabilities in multiple types of Cms, fast cms detection,informations gathering and vulnerabilitie Scanning of the target like subdomains, ipaddresses, country, org, timezone, region, ans and more. Instead of injecting each and every shell manually like all the other tools do, it analyses the target website checking the presence of a vulnerabilitie if so...

Tourmaline : Telegram Bot Framework For Crystal


Tourmaline is a Telegram Bot (and hopefully soon Client) API framework for Crystal. Based heavily off of Telegraf this Crystal implementation allows your Telegram bot to be written in a language that's both beautiful and fast. Benchmarks coming soon. Installation Add this to your application's shard.yml: dependencies: tourmaline: ...

LiveHiddenCamera : Library Which Record Live Video & Audio From Android Device Without Displaying A Preview


LiveHiddenCamera is a library which record live video and audio from Android device without displaying a preview. How to use ? I've created a library to make it more usable. The only requirement is to add the library to your project and pass the Rtmp URL to it. Also Read - Windows Hacks : Creative & Unusual Things That...

RedGhost : Linux Post Exploitation Framework Designed To Assist Red Teams


RedGhost is a Linux post exploitation framework designed to assist red teams in gaining persistence, reconnaissance and leaving no trace. Also Read - BlueGhost : Network Tool Designed To Assist Blue Teams In Banning Attackers From Linux Servers Features Payloads Function to generate various encoded reverse shells in netcat, bash, python, php, ruby, perllsWrapper Function to wrap the "ls" command with...

VXScan : Python3 Comprehensive Scanning Tool


VXScan is a Python3 comprehensive scanning tool, mainly used for sensitive file detection (directory scanning and js leak interface), WAF/CDN identification, port scanning, fingerprint/service identification, operating system identification, weak password detection, POC scanning, SQL injection, winding Pass CDN, check the next station. Version 1.0 Update 2019.6.18Fixed the problem of fingerprint recognition iis website error, modified apps.jsonRemoved some third-party libraries and scripts...

Windows Hacks : Creative & Unusual Things That Can Be Done With The Windows API


Windows Hacks is a creative and unusual things that can be done with the Windows API. Shrinking Windows Any window can be shrunk down. Shrinking the Calculator: Shrinking Google Chrome: Even Microsoft Word is not safe from being shrunk: Also Read - Simplify : Generic Android Deobfuscator Hue Shifter Any window can be selected to have its colors shifted. Hue shifting Microsoft Paint: Hue shifting Microsoft Word: Writing Directly To...

SwiftMonkey : A Framework For Doing Randomised UI Testing Of iOS Apps


SwiftMonkey project is a framework for generating randomised user input in iOS apps. This kind of monkey testing is useful for stress-testing apps and finding rare crashes. It also contains a related framework called SwiftMonkeyPaws, which provides visualisation of the generated events. This greatly increases the usefulness of your randomised testing, as you can see what touches caused any crash...

BlueGhost : Network Tool Designed To Assist Blue Teams In Banning Attackers From Linux Servers


BlueGhost tool utilises various Linux network tools and bash scripting to assist blue teams on defending Debian and Ubuntu based servers from malicious attackers.  Scan/Ban shows connected IPs, scans IP addresses for open ports using nmap and whois search to gather reconnaissance on connected IPs, shows activity on the system, checks for reports and offers a ban function...

Simplify : Generic Android Deobfuscator


Simplify virtually executes an app to understand its behaviour and then tries to optimise the code so that it behaves identically but is easier for a human to understand. Each optimisation type is simple and generic, so it doesn't matter what the specific type of obfuscation is used. Before and After The code on the left is a decompilation of an...

WhatBreach : OSINT Tool To Find Breached Emails & Databases


WhatBreach is a tool to search for breached emails and their corresponding database. It takes either a single email or a list of emails and searches them leveraging's API, from there (if there are any breaches) it will search for the query link on Dehashed pertaining to the database, and output all breaches...