Chomp-Scan : A Scripted Pipeline of Tools To Streamline The Bug Bounty/Penetration Test Reconnaissance Phase


Chomp-Scan is a scripted pipeline of tools to simplify the bug bounty/penetration test reconnaissance phase, so you can focus on chomping bugs. Chomp Scan is a Bash script that chains together the fastest and most effective tools (in my opinion/experience) for doing the long and sometimes tedious process of recon. No more looking for word lists and...

Reverse Shell Cheat Sheet 2019


If it’s not possible to add a new account / SSH key / .rhosts file and just log in, your next step is likely to be either trowing back a reverse shell or binding a shell to a TCP port. This page deals with the former. If you’re lucky enough to find a command execution vulnerability during a penetration test,...

7 Reasons Why You Should Use PDF Over Word


Nothing speaks about your professionalism more than using PDF file format while sending out the documents. Besides its' easy printable visuals and creative features, PDF is superior to other text file formats. We use Microsoft Word and other MS products every day working in the office or even writing something down at home. For quite a long time, we were depended...

Catnip : Automated Basic Pentest Tool – Designed For Kali Linux


Catnip tool will make your basic pentesting task like Information Gathering, Auditing, And Reporting so this tool will do every task fully automatic. Usage Guide Download / Clone Cat-Nip ~# git clone Go Inside Cat-Nip Dir ~# cd catnip Give Permission To Cat-Nip ~# chmod 777 Run Cat-Nip ~# ./ Pentest Tools Auto Executed With Cat-Nip Whois LookupDNSmapNmapDmitryTheharvesterLoad Balancing DetectorSSLyzeAutomaterUa TesterGobusterGrabberParseroUniscanAnd More Tool Soon Also Read...

Goca : Scanner Used To Find Metadata & Hidden Information


Goca is a FOCA fork written in Go, which is a tool used mainly to find metadata and hidden information in the documents its scans. These documents may be on web pages, and can be downloaded and analyzed with the scanner. It is capable of analyzing a wide variety of documents, with the most common being Microsoft...

Turbinia : Automation and Scaling of Digital Forensics Tools


Turbinia is an open-source framework for deploying, managing, and running distributed forensic workloads. It is intended to automate running of common forensic processing tools (i.e. Plaso, TSK, strings, etc) to help with processing evidence in the Cloud, scaling the processing of large amounts of evidence, and decreasing response time by parallelizing processing where...

Legion : An Open Source, Easy-To-Use, Super-extensible & Semi-Automated Network Penetration Testing Tool


Legion, a fork of SECFORCE's Sparta, is an open source, easy-to-use, super-extensible and semi-automated network penetration testing framework that aids in discovery, reconnaissance and exploitation of information systems. FEATURES Automatic recon and scanning with NMAP, whataweb, nikto, Vulners, Hydra, SMBenum, dirbuster, sslyzer, webslayer and more (with almost 100 auto-scheduled scripts)Easy to use graphical interface with... : Reinstall, Restore & Wipe Your System Via SSH, Without Rebooting

0 is a tool to reinstall, restore and wipe your system from the level and in the place of the running GNU/Linux distribution (without cd-rom, flash and other). Via SSH, without rebooting. Also Read : Cuteit – IP Obfuscator Made to Make a Malicious IP a Bit Cuter How it works? Set your archive with system backup to...

RPI-Hunter : Automate Discovering & Dropping Payloads on LAN Raspberry


rpi hunter is useful when there are multiple Raspberry Pi's on your LAN with default or known credentials, in order to automate sending commands/payloads to them. Also Read - VSHG : A Standalone Addon for GnuPG Installation Install dependencies: sudo pip install -U argparse termcolor and sudo apt -y install arp-scan tshark sshpassDownload rpi-hunter: git clone to rpi-hunter: cd ./rpi-hunterMake...

Calculator : A simple Yet Powerful Calculator that Ships with Windows


The Windows Calculator app is a modern Windows app written in C++ that ships pre-installed with Windows. The app provides standard, scientific, and programmer calculator functionality, as well as a set of converters between various units of measurement and currencies. It ships regularly with new features and bug fixes. You can get the latest version of Calculator in the Microsoft...