Firebase – Tool To Exploiting Misconfigured Firebase Databases
Firebase exploiting tool is exploiting misconfigured firebase databases. Disclaimer: The provided software is meant for educational purposes only. Use this at your own discretion, the creator cannot be held responsible for any damages caused. Please, use responsibly! Prerequisites Non-standard python modules: dnsdumpster bs4 requests Also Read The Android Application Developer Guide: Converting an iOS App to Android Firebase Installation If the following commands run successfully, you...
Remote-Desktop-Caching : Recover Old RDP (MSTSC) Session Information In The Form Of Broken PNG Files
Remote-Desktop-Caching tool allows one to recover old RDP (mstsc) session information in the form of broken PNG files. These PNG files allows Red Team member to extract juicy information such as LAPS passwords or any sensitive information on the screen. Blue Team member can reconstruct PNG files to see what an attacker did on a compromised host. It is...
Vproxy – Forward HTTP/S Traffic To Proxy Instance
Vproxy tool is used to forward HTTP/S traffic to proxy instance. The WIFI proxy option in your mobile device doesn't make you capture all of the HTTP/S traffic using your favorite proxy program ? use this tool to solve this issue and capture the whole HTTP/S traffic. Vproxy System Requirements Linux Python 2.x Also Read Win-PortFwd : Powershell Script To Setup Windows...
The Android Application Developer Guide: Converting an iOS App to Android
While an extensive variety of organizations may choose to send their mobile application only on the iOS platform first, many will do the change to Android on the off chance that they haven't as of now and all things considered. Holding more than 75 percent of the world's mobile OS piece of the overall industry, Android offers a huge...
Win-PortFwd : Powershell Script To Setup Windows Port Forwarding Using Native Netsh Client
Win-PortFwd is a powershell script to setup windows port forwarding using native netsh client. Installation git clone Win-PortFwd Usage .win-portfwd.ps1 or powershell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file .win-portfwd.ps1 Also Read MacSubstrate – Tool For Interprocess Code Injection On macOS Example : Note: This script require admin privileges to run, this script will automatically try to elevate the privileges if you are running this script under normal user privileges.
MacSubstrate – Tool For Interprocess Code Injection On macOS
MacSubstrate is a platform tool for interprocess code injection on macOS, with the similar function to Cydia Substrate on iOS. Using macSubstrate, you can inject your plugins (.bundle or .framework) into a mac app (including sandboxed apps) to tweak it in the runtime. All you need is to get or create plugins for your target app. No trouble with...
Fluxion – Remake Of Linset By VK496 With Less Bugs & Enhanced Functionality
Fluxion is the future of MITM WPA attacks. Fluxion is a security auditing and social-engineering research tool. It is a remake of linset by vk496 with (hopefully) less bugs and more functionality. The script attempts to retrieve the WPA/WPA2 key from a target access point by means of a social engineering (phishing) attack. It's compatible with the latest release...
RidRelay – Easy Way To Get Domain Usernames While On An Internal Network
Quick and easy way to get domain usernames while on an internal network. RidRelay combines the SMB Relay attack, common lsarpc based queries and RID cycling to get a list of domain usernames. It takes these steps: Spins up an SMB server and waits for an incoming SMB connection The incoming credentials are relayed to a specified target, creating...
WindowsSpyBlocker – Block Spying & Tracking On Windows
WindowsSpyBlocker is an application written in Go and delivered as a single executable to block spying and tracking on Windows systems. The initial approach of this application is to capture and analyze network traffic based on a set of tools. Configuration file app.conf is generated at first launch : Also Read Shodanwave – Tool For Exploring & Obtaining Information From Cameras WindowsSpyBlocker Telemetry...
IDB – Tool To Simplify Some Common Tasks For iOS Pentesting & Research
IDB is a tool to simplify some common tasks for iOS pentesting and research. Originally there was a command line version of the tool, but it is no longer under development so you should get the GUI version. It has some prerequisites. As it turns out, things like ruby and Qt are difficult to bundle into a stand-alone installer. While...