Project Horus, your ultimate pre-operations tool tailored for enhancing investigation processes.

This comprehensive toolkit leverages advanced APIs and data compilation strategies to streamline your investigative workflow.

Whether you’re a security professional or a tech enthusiast, Horus equips you with the necessary tools to elevate your analytical capabilities.

Table of Contents

  • 🚀 About Horus
  • ⚡ Installation and Usage Instructions
  • ⚙️ API Configuration
  • 🔮 Intended Features
  • 🤝 Current Maintainers
  • 🛠️ Contributing
  • 📧 Contact Me
  • 🤝 Acknowledgements

🚀 About Horus

Horus is an all-in-one encompassing tool for investigations assistance, from API leveraging to compiling data too. Its your pre-ops buddy!

⚡ Installation And Usage Instructions

To get started with this project, you will need Python installed on your device. Once it is installed, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. cd to the ‘horus’ directory. (Make sure it isn’t the outermost folder)
  3. Install dependencies using the following command: pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. In the ‘horus’ directory, run python3 on Linux/MacOS, or py on Windows

Note: protonvpn-cli is a requirement for the ‘pvpn’ command

⚙️ API Configuration

To configure the APIs necessary for usage of certain commands, you can either manually enter them, or use the ‘apicon’ command

To manually configure API keys, navigate to /src/modules/var/pipes/api_config.json. Enter your API keys in their corresponding entries.

⚠️ Warning: If you are contributing to this repository or are testing it through a public fork, make sure to remove your API keys from the JSON file before pushing changes.

🔮 Intended Features

🟢 = Fully implemented or more than 80% done

🟡 = Partially implemented / In development

🔴 = To be implemented

For more information click here.


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