Domain-Protect : OWASP Domain Protect

Domain-Protect is an OWASP Domain Protect – prevent subdomain takeover. Prevent subdomain takeover … … with serverless cloud infrastructure OWASP Global AppSec Dublin – talk and demo Features Installation Collaboration We welcome collaborators! Please see the OWASP Domain Protect website for more details. Documentation Manual scans – AWSManual scans – CloudFlareArchitectureDatabaseReportsAutomated takeover optional featureCloudflare optional …

Domain-Protect : Protect Against Subdomain Takeover

Domain-Protect scans Amazon Route53 across an AWS Organization for domain records vulnerable to takeover vulnerable domains in Google Cloud DNS can be detected by Domain Protect for GCP deploy to security audit account scan your entire AWS Organization receive alerts by Slack or email or manually scan from your laptop Subdomain Detection Functionality Scans Amazon Route53 …