ELFXtract : An Automated Analysis Tool Used For Enumerating ELF Binaries

ELFXtract is an automated analysis tool used for enumerating ELF binaries. Powered by Radare2 and r2ghidra This is specially developed for PWN challenges and it has many automated features It almost displays every details of the ELF and also decompiles its ASM to C code using r2ghidra Decompiling ELFs in Ghidra takes more time, but …

Drow : Injects Code Into ELF Executables Post-Build

Drow is a command-line utility that is used to inject code and hook the entrypoint of ELF executables (post-build). It takes unmodified ELF executables as input and exports a modified ELF containing an embedded user-supplied payload that executes at runtime. Drow takes the following steps to create the new patched ELF: Map in the umodified …