Crosslinked : LinkedIn Enumeration Tool

CrossLinked is a LinkedIn enumeration tool that uses search engine scraping to collect valid employee names from an organization. This technique provides accurate results without the use of API keys, credentials, or accessing LinkedIn directly! Install Install the last stable release from PyPi: pip3 install crosslinked Or, install the most recent code from GitHub: git …

ADReaper : A Fast Enumeration Tool For Windows Active Directory Pentesting Written In Go

ADReaper is a tool written in Golang which enumerates an Active Directory environment with LDAP queries within few seconds Installation You can download precompiled executable binaries for Windows/Linux from latest releases Install from source To build from source, clone the repo and build it with GO $ git clone$ cd ADReaper/$ go build Usage ADReaper performs enumeration with …

Oh365UserFinder : Python3 O365 User Enumeration Tool

Oh365UserFinder is used for identifying valid o365 accounts and domains without the risk of account lockouts. The tool parses responses to identify the “If Exists Result” flag is null or not, and responds appropriately if the user is valid. The tool will attempt to identify false positives based on response, and either automatically create a …

CrossLinked : LinkedIn Enumeration Tool To Extract Valid Employee Names

CrossLinked is a LinkedIn enumeration tool that uses search engine scraping to collect valid employee names from a target organization. This technique provides accurate results without the use of API keys, credentials, or even accessing the site directly. Formats can then be applied in the command line arguments to turn these names into email addresses, …

CrossLinked : LinkedIn Enumeration Tool To Extract Valid Employee Names From An Organisation

CrossLinked simplifies the processes of searching LinkedIn to collect valid employee names when performing password spraying or other security testing against an organization. Using similar search engine scraping capabilities found in tools like subscraper and pymeta, CrossLinked will find valid employee names and help format the data according to the organization’s account naming convention. Results will be written …

Bscan : An Asynchronous Target Enumeration Tool

Bscan is a command-line utility to perform active information gathering and service enumeration. At its core, bscan asynchronously spawns processes of well-known scanning utilities, repurposing scan results into highlighted console output and a well-defined directory structure. Also Read : Bincat : Binary Code Static Analyser With IDA Integration Installation It was written to be run …