Xencrypt : A PowerShell Script Anti-Virus Evasion Tool

Xencrypt is a PowerShell crypter that uses AES encryption and Gzip/DEFLATE compression to with every invocation generate a completely unique yet functionally equivalent output script given any input script. It does this by compressing and encrypting the input script and storing this data as a payload in a new script which will unencrypt and decompress …

Phantom-Evasion : Python AV Evasion Tool Capable to Generate FUD Executable Even With The Most Common 32 bit Metasploit Payload

Phantom-Evasion is an interactive antivirus evasion tool written in python capable to generate (almost) FUD executable even with the most common 32 bit msfvenom payload (lower detection ratio with 64 bit payloads). The aim of this tool is to make antivirus evasion an easy task for pentesters through the use of modules focused on polymorphic …

Fragroute – A Network Packet Fragmentation & Firewall Testing Tool

Fragroute intercepts modify and rewrite egress traffic destined for the specified host. Simply frag route fragments packets originating from our(attacker) system to the destination system. Its used by security personnel or hackers for evading firewalls, avoiding IDS/IPS detections & alerts etc. Also, pentesters use it to gather information from a highly secured remote host. Options …