ThreadBoat : Program Uses Thread Execution Hijacking To Inject Native Shell-code Into A Standard Win32 Application

ThreadBoat is a Program uses Thread Hijacking to Inject Native Shellcode into a Standard Win32 Application. About I developed this small project to continue my experiences of different code injection methods and to allow RedTeam security professionals to utilize this method as a unique way to perform software penetration testing. With Thread hijacking, it allows …

ByeIntegrity UAC : Bypass UAC By Hijacking A DLL Located In The Native Image Cache

ByeIntegrity UAC is a tool used to bypass user account control (UAC) to gain elevated (Administrator) privileges to run any program at a high integrity level. Requirements Administrator account UAC notification level set to default or lower How It Works ByeIntegrity hijacks a DLL located in the Native Image Cache (NIC). The NIC is used …

TrustJack : Yet Another PoC For Hijacking DLLs in Windows

TrustJack is a tool for yet another PoC For hijacking DLLs in windows. To be used with a cmd that does whatever the F you want, for a dll that pops cmd, check the list in wietze’s site to check how you should call your dll. will automatically create c:\Windows \System32 and drop your …

EvilDLL – Malicious DLL (Reverse Shell) Generator For DLL Hijacking

EvilDLL is a malicious DLL (Reverse Shell) generator for DLL hijacking. Features Reverse TCP Port Forwarding using Custom Port Forwarding option (LHOST,LPORT) Example of DLL Hijacking included (Half-Life Launcher file) Tested on Win7 (7601), Windows 10 Requirements Mingw-w64 compiler: apt-get install mingw-w64 Ngrok Authtoken (for TCP Tunneling): Sign up at: Your auth token …

ThreadBoat : Program Uses Thread Execution Hijacking to Inject Native Shellcode into a Standard Win32 Application

ThreadBoat program uses Thread Hijacking to Inject Native Shellcode into a Standard Win32 Application. I developed this small project to continue my experiences of different code injection methods. With Thread Hijacking, it allows the hijacker.exe program to susepend a thread within the target.exe program allowing us to write shellcode to a thread. ThreadBoat Usage int …

TeleKiller : A Tools Session Hijacking And Stealer Local Passcode Telegram Windows

TeleKiller is a Tools Session Hijacking And Stealer Local passcode Telegram Windows and following are the features of the same. Session Hijacking Stealer Local Passcode Keylogger Shell Bypass 2 Step Verification Bypass Av (Coming Soon) Also Read – GodOfWar : Malicious Java WAR Builder With Built-In Payloads Installation Windows git clone TeleKillerpip install -r …