Dolos Cloak : Automated 802.1x Bypass

Dolos Cloak is a python script designed to help network penetration testers and red teamers bypass 802.1x solutions by using an advanced man-in-the-middle attack. The tool is able to piggyback on the wired connection of a victim device that is already allowed on the target network without kicking the vicitim device off the network. It …

IPv4Bypass – Using IPv6 to Bypass Security

IPv4Bypass bypass security using IPv6. Dependences python2.7 nmap python-nmap termcolor Example on how to run the tool $ python -i eth0 -r $ python -h Usage: [options] Options: -h, –help show this help message and exit -i INTERFACENO Network interface (e.g. eth0) -r IPRANGE Local network IP range (e.g. Also …