Git-Secret : Go Scripts For Finding An API Key / Some Keywords In Repository

Git-Secret is a go scripts for finding an API key / some keywords in repository. Update V1.0.1 Removing some checkers Adding example file contains github dorks Screenshoot How to Install go get How to Use ./Git-Secret For path contain dorks, you can fill it with some keywords, for example keyword.txt passwordusernamekeysaccess_keys

Go-Shellcode : A Repository Of Windows Shellcode Runners And Supporting Utilities

Go-Shellcode is a repository of Windows Shellcode runners and supporting utilities. The applications load and execute Shellcode using various API calls or techniques. The available Shellcode runners include: CreateFiber This application leverages the Windows CreateFiber function from the Kernel32.dll to execute shellcode within this application’s process. This is usefull when you want to avoid remote process injection and want to …

Gitls : Enumerate Git Repository URL From List Of URL / User / Org

Gitls tool is available when the repository, such as GitHub, is included in the bug bounty scope. Sometimes specified as an org name or user name rather than a specific repository, you can use this tool to extract url from all public repositories included in the org/user. This can be used for various actions such …

RepoPeek : A Python Script To Get Details About A Repository Without Cloning

RepoPeek is a Python script to get details about a repository without cloning it. All the information are retrieved using the GitHub API. Note: API requests made by this module aren’t using basic authentication or OAuth. Therefore the rate limit allows for up to 60 requests per hour. Unauthenticated requests are associated with the originating …