Print-My-Shell : Process Of Generating Various Reverse Shells

Print-My-Shell is a python script, wrote to automate the process of generating various reverse shells based on PayloadsAllTheThings and Pentestmonkey reverse shell cheat sheets. Using this script you can easily generate various types of reverse shells without leaving your command line. This script will come in handy when you are playing CTF like challenges. Available …

Serverless-Prey : Serverless Functions For Establishing Reverse Shells

Serverless-Prey is a collection of serverless functions (FaaS), that, once launched to a cloud environment and invoked, establish a TCP reverse shell, enabling the user to introspect the underlying container: Panther: AWS Lambda written in Node.js Cougar: Azure Function written in C# Cheetah: Google Cloud Function written in Go This repository also contains research performed …