Git-Secret : Go Scripts For Finding An API Key / Some Keywords In Repository

Git-Secret is a go scripts for finding an API key / some keywords in repository. Update V1.0.1 Removing some checkers Adding example file contains github dorks Screenshoot How to Install go get How to Use ./Git-Secret For path contain dorks, you can fill it with some keywords, for example keyword.txt passwordusernamekeysaccess_keys

LightMe : HTTP Server Serving Obfuscated Power shell Scripts/Payloads

LightMe is a Simple HTTP Server serving Power shell Scripts/Payloads after Obfuscate them and run obfuscation as a service in background in order to keep obfuscate the payloads which giving almost new obfuscated payload on each HTTP request. Main Features Obfuscate all power shell files within a specific directory HTTP Server to serve the obfuscated …

LightMe : HTTP Server Serving Obfuscated Power shell Scripts/Payloads

LightMe is a Simple HTTP Server serving Power shell Scripts/Payloads after Obfuscate them and run obfuscation as a service in background in order to keep obfuscate the payloads which giving almost new obfuscated payload on each HTTP request. Main Features Obfuscate all power shell files within a specific directory HTTP Server to serve the obfuscated …

Pybeacon : A Collection Of Scripts For Dealing With Cobalt Strike Beacons In Python

PyBeacon is a collection of scripts for dealing with Cobalt Strike’s encrypted traffic. It can encrypt/decrypt beacon metadata, as well as parse symmetric encrypted taskings. Scripts Included There is a small library which includes encryption/decoding methods, however some example scripts are included. – this tool will simply decode a beacon DLL from a stager …

RE:TERNAL : Repo Containing Docker-Compose Files & Setup Scripts

RE:TERNAL is a centralized purple team simulation platform. Reternal uses agents installed on a simulation network to execute various known red-teaming techniques in order to test blue-teaming capabilities. The simulations are mapped to the MITRE ATT&CK framework. This repo contains the compose file in order to set up the reternal platform via docker. An additional …

CTF – Some Setup Scripts For Security Research Tools

CTF is a collection of setup scripts to create an install of various security research tools. Of course, this isn’t a hard problem, but it’s really nice to have them in one place that’s easily deployable to new machines and so forth. The install-scripts for these tools are checked regularly. Also Read XssPy – Web Application …