PMAT-labs : Labs For Practical Malware Analysis And Triage

PMAT-labs, this repository contains live malware samples for use in the Practical Malware Analysis & Triage course (PMAT). These samples are either written to emulate common malware characteristics or are live, real world, “caught in the wild” samples. Both categories are dangerous. These samples are to be handled with extreme caution at all times. Do …

IRTriage : Incident Response Triage – Windows Evidence Collection For Forensic Analysis

Scripted collection of system information valuable to a Forensic Analyst. IRTriage will automatically “Run As ADMINISTRATOR” in all Windows versions except WinXP. The original source was Triage-ir v0.851 an Autoit script written by Michael Ahrendt. Unfortunately Michael’s last changes were posted on 9th November 2012 I let Michael know that I have forked his project: …

Sitrep : Extensible, Configurable Host Triage

SitRep is intended to provide a lightweight, extensible host triage alternative. Checks are loaded dynamically at runtime from stand-alone files. This allows operators to quickly modify existing checks, or add new checks as required. Checks are grouped by category and can be marked as OpSec safe/unsafe. unsafe checks are only loaded if the /AllowUnsafe flag …