Airopy : Get Clients And Access Points

Airopy is a wireless packet capture to get clients and access points. With Alfa cards this script works correctly. Dependencies To run this script first install requirements as follows: sudo pip3 install requirements.txt How To Use In the examples I don’t add ‘sudo’, but to execute them you need high privileges. To get help: python3 …

URH : Universal Radio Hacker To Investigate Wireless Protocols Like A Boss

URH (Universal Radio Hacker) is a software for investigating unknown wireless protocols. Features include Hardware Interfaces for common Software Defined Radios Easy Demodulation of signals Assigning Participants to keep overview of your data Customization Decoding to crack even sophisticated encodings like CC1101 data whitening Assign Labels to reveal the logic of the protocol Fuzzing Component …

Ghost Phisher – Wireless & Ethernet Attack Software Application

Ghost Phisher is a Wireless and Ethernet security auditing and attack software program written using the Python Programming Language and the Python Qt GUI library, the program is able to emulate access points and deploy various internal networking servers for networking, penetration testing and phishing attacks. Supported OS Ghost Phisher The Software runs on any …

Reaver + PixieWPS – Tool to Bruteforce the WPS of a WiFi Router

Reaver is a tool to brute-force the WPS of a WIFi router. PixeWPS is a new tool to brute-force the exchanging keys during a WPS transaction. First, let’s get to know what is WPS WPS is Wifi Protected Setup designed to quickly & easily authenticate a client to an AP mainly aimed for home users. …


Simple Bluetooth Discovery with Bluelog Bluelog is a simple Bluetooth scanner that is designed to essentially do just one thing, log all the discoverable devices in the area. It is intended to be used as a site survey tool, identifying the number of possible Bluetooth targets there are in the surrounding environment. This tool only …