XanXSS : A Simple XSS Finding Tool

XanXSS is a reflected XSS searching tool (DOM coming soon) that creates payloads based from templates. Unlike other XSS scanners that just run through a list of payloads. XanXSS tries to make the payload unidentifiable, for example: <xAnXSS</TitLE></STYLE><SVG/ONload=’alERt(1);’/></XaNxSs</titLe></StYlE><SvG/ONlOAD=’alerT(1);’/> <ifrAmE Src= [2].Find(CoNfirm);= “JAVaScRIpT:proMpT(1))”javAscrIpt:/*–></scRIPt> />cLIcK Me!</b</TextaRea></TiTLE><BUTtON ONcLIck=’aleRT(1);’/>XaNxss</TEXTaRea> <iMG sRc=%0acONfIRM();=+’jAVASCRiPT:alerT(“XSS”);'</STYlE><Svg/onLoad=’alErT((1));’/> With XanXSS every payload is different. XanXSS works by running …