Truegaze is a static analysis tool for Android and iOS applications focusing on security issues outside the source code such as resource strings, third party libraries and configuration files.


Python 3 is required and you can find all required modules in the requirements.txt file. Only tested on Python 3.7 but should work on other 3.x releases. No plans to 2.x support at this time.

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You can install this via PIP as follows:

pip install truegaze

To download and run manually, do the following:

git clone
cd truegaze
pip -r requirements.txt
python -m truegaze.cli

How To Use?

To list modules:

truegaze list

To scan an application:

truegaze scan test.apk
truegaze scan test.ipa

Sample Output

Listing modules:

user@localhost:~/$ truegaze list
Total active plugins: 1
|      Name      |               Description                | Android | iOS  |
| AdobeMobileSdk | Detection of incorrect SSL configuration |  True   | True |
|                |         in the Adobe Mobile SDK          |         |      |

Scanning an application:

user@localhost:~/$ truegaze scan ~/test.ipa
Identified as an iOS application via a manifest located at: Payload/
Scanning using the “AdobeMobileSdk” plugin
— Found 1 configuration file(s)
— Scanning “Payload/’
—- FOUND: The [“analytics”][“ssl”] setting is missing or false – SSL is not being used
—- FOUND: The [“remotes”][“analytics.poi”] URL doesn’t use SSL:
—- FOUND: The [“remotes”][“messages”] URL doesn’t use SSL:
—- FOUND: A “templateurl” in [“messages”][“payload”] doesn’t use SSL:{}&zip={}&c16={%sdkver%}&c27=cln,{a.PrevSessionLength}
—- FOUND: A “templateurl” in [“messages”][“payload”] doesn’t use SSL:{}&zip={}&c16={%sdkver%}&c27=cln,{a.PrevSessionLength}

Display installed version:

user@localhost:~/$ truegaze version
Current version: v0.2


The application is command line and will consist of several modules that check for various vulnerabilities. Each module does its own scanning, and all results get printed to command line.