Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Objective
  3. Features
  4. Installation
  5. How to Play
  6. Game Mechanics
  7. Mission Contents
  8. Contribution
  9. License
  10. Credits


“Try Harder” is a cybersecurity retro game created by Milosilo. It offers an immersive experience and a retro aesthetic while simulating 100 actual scenarios to aid in your exam preparation for the Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP). Gain a point by correctly executing real commands and moving on to the next host. 


The main objective is to offer aspiring cybersecurity professionals and enthusiasts a thorough training environment. The game is specially designed for those studying for the OSCP exam, as it covers a variety of tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) that will be tested.


  • Immersive Storyline: A compelling narrative that simulates real-life penetration testing scenarios.
  • Real-Life Commands: Use actual pen-testing commands to solve puzzles and complete missions.
  • Safety First: A secure, simulated lab environment to practice without risks.
  • Progress Tracking: Your progress is saved, so you can continue from where you left off.
  • Retro Theme: The game features a classic retro look, reminiscent of vintage computer games.


git clone

cd TryHarder


How to Play

  • Main Menu
  1. Start Game: Starts or resumes your game.
  2. Reset Game: It resets all your progress and starts anew.
  • Gameplay
  1. Follow on-screen prompts and instructions.
  2. Use real-life commands to interact with the environment and solve challenges.

Game Mechanics

  • Hosts: 100 different hosts, each representing a unique challenge.
  • Points: Points are awarded for successful activities and are displayed in cyan.
  • Commands: Real-life pen-testing commands are required for interaction.

Mission Contents

The game consists of 100 different hosts, each teaching a unique aspect of penetration testing. The missions cover a wide array of OSCP exam topics, including but not limited to:

  • Information Gathering
  • Exploitation
  • Post-Exploitation
  • Privilege Escalation
  • Client-Side Attacks
  • Web Application Attacks

Published by Aman Mishra

Aman Mishra is a eJPT certified and always keen to learn new concepts and methodologies regarding cybersecurity.he is also a cyber security content writer and have passion for sharing my knowledge about the latest threads and trends in the industry.

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