The advent of ‘X Hacking by Artificial Intelligence’ marks a significant development. This article explores ‘Tweeter,’ a tool developed using BlackBox AI designed to exploit vulnerabilities in Twitter accounts with weak passwords.

While intended for educational purposes, the potential misuse of such technologies poses serious ethical and security risks.

We delve into the implications of using AI for hacking and the necessary precautions users should take.

Tweeter is a tools that was created 50% using BlackBox AI, we created this tool only for learning purposes, this tools has a function for hacking Twitter accounts that have easy passwords.

We hope you know the risks of using this tools because it is very dangerous for those who use it!


  $ pkg update -y && pkg upgrade -y
  $ pkg install git python-pip libffi
  $ pip install requests futures shutup
  $ git clone
  $ cd Tweeter && uname -m
  $ chmod +x Run
  $ ./Run


We will briefly explain how to use this tool, first this tool will require installation of the Termux application, after the installation is complete it will ask the user to enter a Twitter account token, after successful login you are required to collect the user name before hacking.