Yaazhini – Free Android APK & API Vulnerability Scanner

Yaazhini is a free vulnerability scanner for android APK and API. It is a user-friendly tool that you can easily scan any APK and API of android application and find the vulnerabilities.

It includes vulnerability scan of API, the vulnerability of APK and reporting section to generate a report.

System Requirements

  • Operating Systems : Mac OSX(64bit), Windows(64bit & 32bit)
  • RAM : Minimum Usage 4GB of available memory. 16GB required for larger Android Apps
  • Storage : 10GB of available disk space
  • Dependency Software : Java 1.8+


  • Scan Android APK by just one click
  • Scan Android Application REST API (emulator, device)
  • Generate report
  • Free to use
  • Easy to use

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How to use It In Android Application APK Scanner


How To Use Yaazhini Android Application Rest Scanner


Sample Reports for Yaazhini

Yaazhini-Android APK Scanner Sample report starts with a quick summary of the findings and risk ratings. Each finding has a detailed explanation in terms of risk and recommendations about the vulnerability. The vulnerabilities are ordered by the risk level.
Get Here: Yaazhini-Android APK Scanner Sample Report.

Yaazhini -Mobile Application Scanner Sample report Sample report starts with a quick summary of the findings and risk ratings. Each finding has a detailed explanation in terms of risk and recommendations about the vulnerability. The vulnerabilities are ordered by the risk level.