AppleConnect is a small Swift wrapper around a Network TCP stream on the local network (using Bonjour for discovery).

Even though the transport is two-way, the API is built around a “service” that is offered by a single server and to which many clients can connect.


Setup for servers differs a little bit from that for clients. Once a connection is established, the channel is identical from both ends. All connections are encrypted using TLS-PSK derived from a shared key of your choosing.


For security, you should generate the shared key using cryptographically appropriate random data. Sharing this key should be done out-of-band and is out of scope for AppleConnect.

For user-facing applications, one way you might do this is by generating a code on one device and asking the user to confirm it on the second one.

Setting Up The Server

A typical server should advertise its availability using Connection.advertise(forServiceType:name:key:). Attempts by clients to connect will show up as NWConnection objects, which you can pass to Connection.init(connection:) to complete the connection process.

Setting Up The Client

A client should browse for servers it wants to connect to. Connection.endpoints(forServiceType:) will asynchronously stream a list of available NWEndpoints, and once you’ve found an endpoint that you’d like to connect to, call Connection.init(endpoint:key:) to establish the connection using the shared encryption key.

Transferring Data

Both clients and servers can send data to each other using Connection.send(data:), and receive data by watching

Published by Tamil S

Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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