Comprehensive guide to the tools and resources pivotal in the world of forensic analysis. From essential collections to specialized frameworks and live forensics, this curated list covers everything you need to delve deeper into digital investigations.

Whether you’re a professional in the field or just starting out, explore these free and mostly open-source tools that are indispensable for today’s forensic experts.

Curated list of awesome free (mostly open source) forensic analysis tools and resources.

  • Awesome Forensics
    • Collections
    • Tools
      • Distributions
      • Frameworks
      • Live Forensics
      • IOC Scanner
      • Acquisition
      • Imaging
      • Carving
      • Memory Forensics
      • Network Forensics
      • Windows Artifacts
        • NTFS/MFT Processing
      • OS X Forensics
      • Mobile Forensics
      • Docker Forensics
      • Internet Artifacts
      • Timeline Analysis
      • Disk image handling
      • Decryption
      • Management
      • Picture Analysis
      • Metadata Forensics
      • Steganography
    • Learn Forensics
      • CTFs and Challenges
    • Resources
      • Web
      • Blogs
      • Books
      • File System Corpora
      • Other
      • Labs
    • Related Awesome Lists
    • Contributing


  • AboutDFIR – The Definitive Compendium Project – Collection of forensic resources for learning and research. Offers lists of certifications, books, blogs, challenges and more
  • ⭐ Artifact Repository – Machine-readable knowledge base of forensic artifacts


  • Forensics tools on Wikipedia
  • Eric Zimmerman’s Tools


  • bitscout – LiveCD/LiveUSB for remote forensic acquisition and analysis
  • Remnux – Distro for reverse-engineering and analyzing malicious software
  • SANS Investigative Forensics Toolkit (sift) – Linux distribution for forensic analysis
  • Tsurugi Linux – Linux distribution for forensic analysis
  • WinFE – Windows Forensics enviroment

For more information click here.


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