AWS Pen-Testing Laboratory deployed as IaC with Terraform on AWS. It deploys a Kali Linux instance accessible via ssh & wire guard VPN. Vulnerable instances in a private subnet.
- Ids only defined for region “eu-west-1”
- For other regions, kali ami id must be specified and metasploitable3 id (after building it)
- [2021-06-02] AMI IDs changed to use Kali 2021.2
- [2021-03-10] Use new Kali version 2021.1

- Kali 2021.2 instance (private key is saved into kali.pem)
- Wireguard VPN service: client file client_vpn.wg
- Accessible via ssh/scp
- Public Subnet
- Vulnerable machine “Metasploitable” (ami build is public)
- Private subnet
- More vulnerable labs/machines/docker (to-be-done)
Features Added
- User management
- Automatically create non privileged users in kali instance with rsa
- Wireguard VPN client file per user
- Command line audit logging in syslog
- auditd enabled with sudo_log and users_log keys for auditing user actions (see also ausearch command)
- ToDO: Forward terminal audit to CloudWatch or an S3 Bucket with write once policy
- Requirements:
- Terraform CLI install guide
- AWS CLI install guide
- $PATH configured for AWS CLI & Terraform
- AWS account and configure credentials via aws cli:
aws configure
- Kali Linux Subscription in AWS Marketplace (version 2020.04)
- Metasploitable3 AMI image previously built (public AMI available for eu-west-1 region) see
Enable/disable vulnerable instances to be deployed setting 0
or 1
variable “deploment-control” {
type = map
default = {
#”instance” = 0 or 1, to disable or enable
“metasploitable3” = 1
“dvca” = 0
description = “Control which EC2 instances are deployed, 0 for none or 1”
Use terraform for deploy infrastructure
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply -auto-approve
Terraform outputs will show following entries:
- ssh connection command for kali user (root via sudo)
- wireguard client file for kali user will be automatically retrieved from kali server
- scp command to retrieve wireguard client file (just in case defined terraform local-exec command fails)
- For each of the normal users created in Kali instance
- Private key file for ssh connection
- Wireguard client file for VPN connectivity
Either connect to Kali via ssh or wireguard:
- SSH: (Only command line) Use autogenerated private key (see terraform output)
KALI_IP= # configure kali public ip
ssh -i kali.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o IdentitiesOnly=yes kali@${KALI_IP}
- Wireguard: Connect your local kali instance via wireguard (see client_vpn.wg generated file)
KALI_IP= # configure kali public ip
scp -i kali.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no IdentitiesOnly=yes kali@${KALI_IP}:/home/kali/client_vpn.wg .
(local_kali)$ sudo apt-get install –y wireguard
(local_kali)$ sudo gedit /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf # copy contents of client_vpn.wg
(local_kali)$ sudo chmod 700 /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
(local_kali)$ sudo wg-quick up wg0
(local_kali)$ ping # test connectivity with kali instance in AWS
terraform destroy -auto-approve