SSB – A Faster & Simpler Way to Bruteforce SSH Server.

Secure Shell Bruteforcer – A faster & simpler way to bruteforce SSH server. In the evolving world of cybersecurity, speed and efficiency are paramount. Enter Kitabisa SSB, a Go-powered tool designed to revolutionize the approach to SSH bruteforcing. Offering a streamlined installation process and user-friendly options, it’s a must-have for professionals seeking a faster and simpler way to …

Reverse_SSH : SSH Based Reverse Shell

Want to use SSH for reverse shells? Now you can using reverse_SSH. Setup Docker: docker run -p3232:2222 -e EXTERNAL_ADDRESS=<your_external_address>:3232 -e SEED_AUTHORIZED_KEYS=”$(cat ~/.ssh/” -v data:/data reversessh/reverse_ssh Manual: git clone cd reverse_ssh make cd bin/ # start the server cp ~/.ssh/ authorized_keys ./server Running # copy client to your target then connect it to the …

AWS Pen-Testing Laboratory : Pentesting Lab With A Kali Linux Instance Accessible Via Ssh And Wireguard VPN And With Vulnerable Instances In A Private Subnet

AWS Pen-Testing Laboratory deployed as IaC with Terraform on AWS. It deploys a Kali Linux instance accessible via ssh & wire guard VPN. Vulnerable instances in a private subnet. NOTE: Ids only defined for region “eu-west-1” For other regions, kali ami id must be specified and metasploitable3 id (after building it) Changelog [2021-06-02] AMI IDs …

SSHPry V2 – Spy & Control OS SSH Connected Client’s TTY

This is a second release of SSHPry tool, with multiple features added. Control of target’s TTY Built-In Keylogger Console-Level phishing Record & Replay previous sessions I always curious about what can be done after you somehow got root and already talked about some techniques of post exploitation with highly privileged accounts: SSH Snooping RDP Session …

SShuttle: Where Transparent Proxy Meets VPN Meets SSH

SShuttle is a transparent proxy server that works as a poor man’s VPN. Forwards over ssh. Doesn’t require admin. Works with Linux and MacOS. Supports DNS tunneling. As far as I know, it is the only program that solves the following common case: Your client machine (or router) is Linux, FreeBSD, or MacOS. You have …

SSHTunnel : SSH Tunnels To Remote Server

SSHTunnel is a tool for SSH tunnels to remote server. Installation sshtunnel is on PyPI, so simply run: pip install sshtunnel or easy_install sshtunnel or conda install -c conda-forge sshtunnel to have it installed in your environment. For installing from source, clone the repo and run: python install Also Read – DetectionLab : Vagrant …

Hassh : Tool Used To Identify Specific Client & Server SSH Implementations

HASSH is a network fingerprinting standard which can be used to identify specific Client and Server SSH implementations. The fingerprints can be easily stored, searched and shared in the form of a small MD5 fingerprint. Also ReadWebMap : Nmap Web Dashboard and Reporting HASSH help with? Use in highly controlled, well understood environments, where any …