MSMAP : Memory WebShell Generator

Msmap is a Memory WebShell Generator. Compatible with various Containers, Components, Encoder, WebShell / Proxy / Killer and Management Clients. Function Container *: SpringHandler only support for JDK8+ *: Default support for Linux Tomcat 8/9, more versions can be adapted according to the advanced guide. WebShell / Proxy / Killer Proxy: Neo-reGeorg, wsproxy Killer: java-memshell-scanner, …

Fake SMS : Skip Phone Verification By Using A Proxy

Fake SMS is a simple command line tool using which you can skip phone number based SMS verification by using a temporary phone number that acts like a proxy. Note-1: This is just an experimental tool, do not use this in any banking transactions. Unethical use of this tool is strictly not encouraged.” Note-2: The …

IOX : Tool For Port Forward & Intranet Proxy

IOX is a tool for port forward & intranet proxy, just like lcx/ew, but better. Why Write? lcx and ew are awesome, but can be improved. when I first used them, I can’t remember these complicated parameters for a long time, such as tran, slave, rcsocks, sssocks…. The work mode is clear, why do they …

SShuttle: Where Transparent Proxy Meets VPN Meets SSH

SShuttle is a transparent proxy server that works as a poor man’s VPN. Forwards over ssh. Doesn’t require admin. Works with Linux and MacOS. Supports DNS tunneling. As far as I know, it is the only program that solves the following common case: Your client machine (or router) is Linux, FreeBSD, or MacOS. You have …

Betwixt : Web Debugging Proxy Based On Chrome Devtools Network Panel

Betwixt is a web Debugging Proxy based on Chrome DevTools Network panel.Betwixt will help you analyze web traffic outside the browser using familiar Chrome DevTools interface. Installing Download the latest release for your operating system, build your own bundle or run Betwixt from the source code. Setting Up In order to capture traffic, you’ll have to direct it to the …

Stowaway : Multi-hop Proxy Tool For Pentesters

Stowaway is Multi-hop proxy tool for security researchers and pentesters Users can easily proxy their network traffic to intranet nodes (multi-layer) PS: The files under demo folder are Stowaway’s beta version,it’s still functional, you can check the detail by file under the demo folder. Features obvious node topology multi-hop socks5 traffic proxy multi-hop ssh …

KaliTorify : Transparent Proxy Through Tor For Kali Linux OS

Kalitorify is a shell script for Kali Linux which use iptables settings to create a Transparent Proxy through the Tor Network, the program also allows you to perform various checks like checking the Tor Exit Node (i.e. your public IP when you are under Tor proxy), or if Tor has been configured correctly checking service and network settings. In simple terms, …