CGPwn – Ubuntu VM For Hardware Hacking, RE and Wargaming

CGPwn is a lightweight VM for hardware hacking, RE (fuzzing, symEx, exploiting etc) and wargaming task. Tools included in CGPwn;

Fire up the VM

git clone
cd cgPwn
vagrant up
... Grab a beer and relax until everything is getting setup for you ;)
vagrant ssh

CGPwn Default settings

By default, personal dotfiles are installed onto the VM. Simply comment out the following lines in if you don’t want my settings.

Also Read Ua-tester – A tool for User Agent WAF, IDS/IPS, Redirection testing

# Personal config
sudo apt-get -y install stow
cd ~
rm .bashrc
git clone
cd dotfiles
chmod a+x ./

Shared folder

Drop files in the sharedFolder folder on your host to find them on your VM at /home/vagrant/sharedFolder