All public/Privately leaked Dark Web Marketplace (DNM) Scripts, Source codes and information.

This archive will be a place for researchers, law enforcemet and etc to study DNMs, Fraud Markets and Common Dark Web Scams without the need to venture to Tor/I2P to find them, do research and etc. We’ll do that for you.

In this archive you can find everything found below and than some. You may have questions which will be answered in the FAQ Below the contents


Solis is still broken & I do not plan to fix the huge 3-Line JavaScript Issues. All Files are restored locally =) in my absense the repo will be updated as time goes forward.

What can you find here:

Solaris – Russian Based DNM, hacked by Hold Security LLC.

CannaHome – English based, Cannabis/Shrooms Marketplace

2 Other Marketplaces which will be named when I can remember them

Ransomware/Malware Source Codes in General

Server/IP Information (TXT Files)

Structures of Scam Marketplaces found through open Directories

Links to where the information can be viewed.

Directories Known

Sensitive Information from public Directories

Possible Vulds

Technology Used

Users (Scraped/Public Info)

Ransomware Statistics

.onion & .i2p Links

Potential Leads

and more

Published by Tamil S

Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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