Hashboy : A Hash Query Tool

Hashboy is a simple hash query tool and was redeveloped on hash-buster. So let us have a look on how to install and use the hash query tool.


$git clone https://github.com/sf197/hashboy-tool
$cd hashboy-tool
$python3 hashboy.py


$ python3 hashboy.py
Author:Leiothrix Github:https://github.com/sf197
usage: hashboy.py [-h] [-s HASH] [-f FILE] [-t THREADS]
optional arguments:
-h, –help show this help message and exit
-s HASH, –hash HASH hash
-f FILE, –file FILE file containing hashes
-t THREADS, –threads THREADS
number of threads

Also Read – Chomp-Scan : A Scripted Pipeline of Tools To Streamline The Bug Bounty/Penetration Test Reconnaissance Phase

Video Tutorial